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Jenkins Estate 971-258-6743
INTEREST LIST: Private- Reiki in the Wilderness Galentine's Wine Tour
Join the interest list and a staff member of the Jenkins Estate staff Join us for an unforgettable day exploring the heart of Oregon wine country.
will contact you to schedule a convenient time. Reiki in the Wilderness Our tour begins at the charming Jenkins Estate, where you'll meet your fellow
Description: Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and wine enthusiasts and board our comfortable coach. Savor the scenic beauty
relaxation that also promotes healing. The practitioner administers Reiki of the Willamette Valley as we visit two renowned wineries. Immerse yourself
by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force in the world of wine with guided tastings, learn about the unique terroir of
energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life the region, and discover new favorites. To enhance your experience, enjoy a
force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and complementary charcuterie cup paired with the stunning valley views during
if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. Rest, relax, your journey between wineries. Our tour concludes back at Jenkins Estate,
renew in glorious nature on Jenkins Estate; while experiencing Reiki therapy leaving you with lasting memories and a newfound appreciation for Oregon's
from Master Practitioner, Amy Kelsey of The Whispering Well. Dress finest wines. Must be 21 years or older to participate. Fee does not include
comfortably, clients stay fully clothed during all Reiki therapy sessions. For wine tastings Unwind, explore, and savor the taste of the valley.
clients a massage table, yoga mat and comfortable chair with coverings are
provided, no need to bring bedding. 2/8 S 1-3:30 pm 21 yrs+ JE36401
Main House-Living Room ID/AP: $30 OD: $37.50
• 30 min session: $65.00
• 60 min session: $110.00 Sip Savor & Spark: A Valentine’s Event at the Jenkins
Location: Tea House (outdoor) OR Lolomi Room (indoor), location is your Estate
Join us for an unforgettable evening at the historic Jenkins Estate!
Celebrate the season of love with live music, local vendors, a selection
Winter Term: of fine wines and craft brews, and delicious bites from our featured food
1/6-3/21 (11) 18 yrs+ JE35303 truck. Capture the moment with our fun photo booth! Whether you're
Spring Term: single or coupled up, this event is sure to spark your Valentine's Day spirit.
4/1-6/19 (12) 18 yrs+ JE45303 Pre-registration is not required but encouraged
Don't miss this opportunity to celebrate love, friendship, and good times at
the beautiful Jenkins Estate.
2/14 F 4-7 pm 21yrs+ JE0114
Stable-Great Room ID/AP: $5 OD: $5
Fairytale Tea Party
Step into a magical world of enchantment at our Fairy Tale Tea Party! Join
us for an afternoon of royal fun, where dreams come true. Little princes
and princesses will delight in meeting a special royal guest, dancing to
Special Events enchanting tunes, and creating a magical craft to take home. Our royal
visitor will be making a grand entrance for a meet and greet, photo
Drag Bingo with Poison Waters opportunities, and a magical dance party. Enjoy delicious treats and light
Join us for a night of laughter, fun, and fierceness at our Drag Bingo refreshments and craft as you immerse yourself in a fairy tale adventure.
Parents or guardians must stay with their child throughout the event.
extravaganza hosted by the one and only Poison Waters at the Historic
Jenkins Estate! Admission Ticket includes 1 bingo sheet per round for the 6/26 Th 10-11:30 am 2-6 yrs JE46100
whole night. Pre - Registration is required, limited tickets will be sold day Stable-Great Room ID/AP: $35 OD: $43.75
of event. Beer, Seltzer, Wine, Soft Drinks, and Pizza Available for purchase
night of event. Please email [email protected] for special dietary
concerns by 1/30.
1/31 F 6-7:30 pm 21 yrs+ JE36402 Derby Days at The Jenkins Estate
Stable-Great Room ID/AP: $10 OD: $12.50
Experience the thrill and excitement of the Kentucky Derby at the historic
Jenkins Estate. Immerse yourself in the spirit of the Kentucky Derby with a
Ikebana (Japanese Flower Arrangement) Workshop social hour filled with mingling, friends, and festive attire. Enjoy a delicious
Immerse yourself in the timeless art of Ikebana, a Japanese floral grazing table and delectable appetizers, with drinks available for purchase.
arrangement that celebrates the natural world. This workshop offers a unique Capture unforgettable moments with our photo opportunities. Don't miss this
opportunity to learn the core principles, techniques, and philosophy behind opportunity to experience the glamour and charm of the Derby at the iconic
this exquisite craft. Guided by experienced instructor, you will explore the Jenkins Estate. This event is 21 yrs+
harmonious balance of form, color, and space. From understanding the Saturday, May 2, 2025 • 12 to 6 pm
essential components of ikebana – natural materials, vase, and kenzan – to Location: Jenkin Estate - Stable
mastering basic techniques, this workshop covers it all. Tickets on Sale December 7
All supplies and tools are provided, making this workshop accessible to
beginners and enthusiasts alike. Let your creativity bloom as you embark on
a journey of artistic exploration and tranquility.
1/25 S 10 am-12 pm 16-adult JE36400
Main House-Living Room ID/AP: $65 OD: $81.25
4/12 S 10 am-12 pm 16-adult JE46400
Main House-Living Room ID/AP: $65 OD: $81.25
Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District Winter & Spring 2025 Activities Guide 145