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THPRD Sports Leagues - General Information

                                            Sports Leagues - Adult

          Basketball                        Softball                           Volleyball
         Winter Adult Basketball           Baseball/Softball Field Use        If you are interested in playing adult volleyball
         League and online registration information will   THPRD will coordinate the assignment of   but don’t have a team, please call the
         be available in early October. League play will   district wide baseball/softball fields from March   Athletic Center at 503-629-6330. League and
         begin in November and run through mid-  1 through October. Any group wishing to   registration information can be found on the
         March. Games will be played Monday through   reserve fields for Spring and Summer should   website.
         Thursday evenings. Check the website for more   first obtain an application form from the
         information in October.           Athletic Center.                   Summer Adult Sand Volleyball
         Summer Adult Basketball           Open/Women's Slow Pitch Summer     (Mixed)
         League play will begin in June and continue   Softball               This recreational league plays weekday
         through mid-August. Additional league and                            evenings at Cedar Hills Park from June through
         online registration information will be available   League information will be available at the   August. League and online registration
         in April. Check the website for more information.   Athletic Center and on our website, in February.   information will be available in April.
         Organizational information will be available at   Open League games will be played on Sunday   Summer Adult Grass Volleyball
                                           late afternoon and evenings and women’s games
         the Athletic Center and on our website.                              (RO4 & R02)
                                           will be played on Tuesday evenings. League play
                                           runs May through August.           This recreational league plays weekday
          Cornhole                         Men’s Slow Pitch Summer Softball   evenings at the HMT complex from June
                                                                              through August. League and online registration
         League information will be available at the   League information will be available at the   information will be available in April.
         Athletic Center and on our website by March.   Athletic Center website in February. Men’s   Adult Fall Volleyball
         Games will be played on weeknights through   games are played Monday, Thursday and
         Spring, Summer, and early Fall. Organizational   Friday. League play runs May through August.  Leagues play mid-September through
         information will be available at the Athletic   Industrial Softball  November. League and online registration
         Center and on our websit                                             information will be available in July.
                                           This league is designed for employees of
                                           companies/businesses located within the   Adult Winter Volleyball
                                           THPRD boundaries. League play will be   Games are played mid-week evenings and will
                                           weekday evenings. Informational packets will   begin the first week in January. League and
                                           be available in February.          registration information will be available in
                                           Fall Open and Women's Softball     November.
                                           Leagues                            Adult Spring Volleyball
                                           League information will be available at the   League play runs April through mid-June.
                                           Athletic Center and on our website, www.thprd.  Games will be held weekday evenings. League
          Kickball                         org, by July. Open League games will be on   and registration information will be available in
                                           Sunday evenings. Women’s slow pitch games
                                           will be Tuesday evenings. League play will run
         Kickball League                   late August through October.
         Kickball is all about having fun! Remember
         when you were a kid and played kickball with   Fall Men’s One-Pitch League Softball
         your friends? Kickball is a playground game   League plays weeknights August through
         and also a competitive league game similar   October. Organizational information will be
         to softball. Organizational information will be   available at the Athletic Center and on our
         available at the Athletic Center and on our   website in July.
         website in April. Season runs June through
                                                  Adult Softball
               Soccer Field Use                    Tournaments
           THPRD coordinates the scheduling of
           soccer fields for community sports leagues   Individuals interested in hosting Spring/
           and adult teams throughout the year.   Summer softball tournaments at the
                                             THPRD sports complex must submit an
           Groups wanting seasonal use should call   facility use agreement and deposit. Call
           the Athletic Center at 503-629-6330 for a   the Athletic Center at 503-629-6330 or
           field use application.            send request to [email protected].
           El uso de campo de fútbol
           THPRD coordinara el horario de los campos
           para ligas de deportes durante el año.
           Grupos que quieren usar campos por una
           temporada necesitan llamar el Athletic
           Center 503-629-6330 para una solicitud de
           uso de campos.
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